Sunday Services
Our main church service is every Sunday at 10:45 am and we meet in person as well as on Zoom. Coffee is served after the service.
For those who are not able to come back to church just yet, and for any who are self-isolating/shielding or housebound, we are continuing to stream the service via Zoom. You'll be able to see and hear what's going on in church and we'll be able to see and hear you at one or two points during the service if you choose to have your camera on. Mute your mic and sing as loud as you like! The meeting ID is 894 5345 2295; there is no password but there will be a waiting room when you join.
We believe that we are God’s people that he has called out of darkness into his wonderful light to declare his praises. Our aim is to hear God speaking through the Bible, understand what it means for our lives and encourage one another. We sing a mix of traditional hymns and modern songs, pray and often have a few minutes to hear from a member of the congregation about their faith, or get an update from one of our mission partners. The service lasts around an hour, and the first 15-20 minutes are normally aimed at all ages, including children, who then go out to Junior Church groups. For more information, please visit the Youth and Children's Groups page.
The morning service aims to be for everyone, with a blend of traditional and modern styles. On the first Sunday of the month we also have an evening service following a traditional liturgy (either the Book of Common Prayer or Common Worship) with older hymns, with a different sermon so you can come to both services on those days.
About twice a month we share the Lord’s Supper, and we use – quite flexibly – the forms of worship authorised in the Church of England’s Common Worship.
We meet at:
Church Close
If you have any questions about our Sunday Services or need to get in touch with us about any other enquiry we will be happy to help. Please Contact Us for more information.